<aside> 💡 DO NOT upload manifest.xml file trying to install the application. Application can only be installed by the instruction below


In this guide you will learn how to install Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions application for Shopware 6.

Before installing Improved Import application make sure that:


If your actual store URL contains WWW - make sure it does so inside the .env file.

Снимок экрана 2022-11-28 в 13.08.03.png

Get Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions app at Shopware Store

The application can only be installed from your store's administrator panel

  1. Log into your Shopware 6 store's administrator panel (backend)
  2. Make sure you are logged into your Shopware Account at Settings > System > Shopware Account and registered a store
  3. Navigate to Extensions > Store and search for 'Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions
  4. Click Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions application in the search results
  5. Click 'Add extension' button in the upper-right corner of the screen
  6. Tick in all the checkboxes and click 'Subscribe to extension' button.


Done. You can now use the application by proceeding to Extensions > Improved Import, Export & Mass Actions  section.